Hi All,
I thought I would just give you a brief update on today, and especially ask you to be praying tomorrow. In order to receive the modified (decreased) amount of chemo tomorrow, Del needs either a port or a PICC line which is much simpler. The oncologist thought the latter was the best choice for now, so she went into Henry Ford Allegiance hospital in Jackson today and had the line put into a blood vessel in her upper arm. The port would require an actual surgery whereas she wasn’t even put to sleep for the PICC line.
Tomorrow at 10:00 AM, Del will have an infusion of Taxol chemo—about 60% of the amount she had back in November. If she tolerates it well, then she will have a second dose on February 3 and a third dose on the 10th of Feb. We would ask for your prayers tomorrow that if it would please the Lord, that Del would do well and not have such strong side effects that they have to discontinue the process. We will keep you posted.
Thanks so much!
Bryan, for Del too
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