2016 is now history and 2017 is a fresh slate. It’s sure comforting to know that if we choose to abide in Jesus, everything that touches our lives is under His direct leadership—even if it is something we don’t see coming. Proverbs 16:9 says it best, “The mind of man plans his way, but the Lord directs his steps.”
As you may recall, on October 25, Del was diagnosed with stage 4 uterine cancer. It was a traumatic day in our lives. We were left in shock, but slowly the reality of the situation has settled in and we are learning to live with it. Del seems to be holding her own these days. Her energy level isn’t up to par, but we try to either get out for a short walk every day or go for a little shop and walk at Walmart. The chemo treatment she had on November 7 seems to have affected her taste buds, so things just don’t taste like they used to. She has lost all her hair and about 20 pounds. We are so thankful that she is not experiencing any pain or nausea. She does have severe neuropathy in her hands and feet from the chemo, which causes her fingers to be numb and very cold most of the time.
Over Christmas, we enjoyed plenty of time with our family . Now that some of our oldest grandchildren are working away from home, our family is divided between Wisconsin and Michigan. So, rather than having a meal together and exchanging gifts on the 25th, we do it when we can—this year it was on the 30th.
Over Christmas, we enjoyed plenty of time with our family . Now that some of our oldest grandchildren are working away from home, our family is divided between Wisconsin and Michigan. So, rather than having a meal together and exchanging gifts on the 25th, we do it when we can—this year it was on the 30th.
Mom & Kelley working in the kitchen on New Years Eve |
Anna & Tyson |
I came across a very meaningful devotional this morning that really brings “real life” into the right perspective. It’s written by Toni Smothers atwww.writingforthemaster.com and it’s about what is truly important in our daily lives:
“Each day we face challenges, whether it be traffic jams, rebellious children, a seemingly endless pile of work at the office, or illness, or any myriad of things that tax our ability to cope. We can sometimes feel like we are falling behind, like we are just not fast enough, or good enough, or smart enough. It would be prudent then, to stop and see a different, more joyful perspective on our lives.
Instead of wondering how you will catch up with the specific demands on your life, slow down and realize that getting every last thing done doesn’t make your heart any lighter. Thinking about the blessings surrounding your day can begin to show you what is and what just isn’t that important.
The love of your heavenly Father, your cherished family, friends, and the simple fun you find in each day all conspire to make life great. These are the truly important things. And while it’s true that we will all die someday, as believers, we are also destined for the throne—joint heirs with Jesus Christ, our Savior and Friend. So, try spending much more time resting in simple gratitude [to the Lord].”
We have so much to thank the Lord for. May the Lord Jesus thrill your heart in this new year with His gracious promises.
Bryan and Del Coupland
Boy can we "Amen" the resting in Him encouragement you just shared. This last year or two have keep us there! Waiting on the Lord, feeling His presence in new closer ways, and seeing His intervention in SO many ways. Neal's health issues are holding stable and even improving in many ways thought impossible. Each day and even hour has become more precious and we continue to be able to rest in His loving arms when even that seems impossible or ununderstandable even to us. What a God we have!