Sunday, April 16, 2017

New Pictures

Hi All,
Well, it's way overdue to put some pictures up. We are very much into taking lots of pictures these days, capturing many special memories. So much has been happening throughout our family so here are a few highlights.
Dan was honored for excellence in teaching at Hillsdale College last week
All of the family that were able to attend
Beautiful honorary luncheon that followed with the guest of honor
1st great granddaughter Alaina & Tori come for a visit

Anna's bridal shower with Kelley at their church

Mom & Anna, 1st granddaughter to get married

All the granddaughters at the shower

We started on the wedding cake

Mom preparing the pans

Top layer ready to freeze

Another proposal! Congrats to Nathan & Sarah on their engagement

Little did we know that our Nathan was such a prince charming. He carried out the most romantic proposal.  

We are so happy for these 2 and excited to welcome Sarah to our family

Celebration Mom's 75th birthday

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