March 14, 2017
Dear Ones,
Six down; three to go! Del is on a modified schedule of chemo once a week for three weeks and then a week off, and this is repeated three times making it nine chemo treatments. I don’t know of anyone who looks forward to their next chemo infusion, but in a sense it’s good news for us. Around the middle of November, 2016, she came home on “home hospice” because her oncologist felt that since she wasn’t able to tolerate her first chemo treatment and had to be hospitalized, there really was no other treatment for uterine cancer. But instead of rapidly going downhill on hospice, Del began to have more energy. That’s when her oncologist suggested, “Let’s try a lower concentration of chemo and do it weekly.” So, Del “came off hospice” and went on regular oncology care.
Well, now you know as much as we do. We are trusting the Lord, day by day, and we’re very thankful that “the battle is the Lord’s.” This next Tuesday (21st) Del will have a port surgically installed, on the opposite shoulder from her pacemaker. This should make it a lot easier to infuse the chemo. Looking ahead as best as we can, the plan is for Del to have three more weekly chemos beginning March 27. After that, she will have a CT scan to see how her cancer is responding to the chemo. If the results are positive, her doctors will schedule a surgical hysterectomy to remove the source of the cancer. So, there are many steps to trust the Lord for, and we are so thankful for your prayers. One of the most difficult side-effects right now is the neuropathy or numbness in Del’s hands and feet, which leaves them cold and numb most of the time—the result of the chemo.
I recently read an interesting review in World magazine, of the book, “Union With Christ” by Rankin Wilbourne. He wrote regarding bonding with Christ, “Imagine a storm blowing a sailboat so fast that all night long, death seems moments away, but in the morning you’re hundreds of miles closer to your destination. We can rejoice amid suffering not because we’re masochists[those who enjoy pain], but because a deeper and sweeter joy will come in the morning. And, when we stop thinking so much about our own story that we enter into God’s story, we learn that’s the biggest and best of all.”
Thanks again for being partners in prayer with us!
Bryan, for Del too
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