Dear Friends,
Del and I have been reading about the life of the prophet Elijah in the Old Testament and have seen some wonderful examples of our own journey. Charles Swindoll likens God’s training of Elijah to a “boot camp,” something NTMers are familiar with. Swindoll writes, “In a very real sense, God has designed a boot camp for His children, but it doesn’t last just 8 weeks or 10 weeks. Nor is it a weekend seminar we can take or a day-long workshop we can attend. God’s boot camp takes place periodically throughout the Christian life. And there, in the very center of obstacles and pain and solitude, we come to realize how alive God is in our lives—how alive and in charge. He will invade us, reduce us, break us…so that we will become the people He intends us to be.” The natural tendency is to say, “What lousy luck I’m having right now.” But our loving Father has the situation totally in control…and it’s for our benefit!
Del had her chemo infusion this past Monday, March 27. She always has an appointment with either her oncologist or a nurse practitioner before the infusion to determine if her blood values are within a safe range and also to have an overall exam. Because her neuropathy is so severe in her hands and feet from the chemo, her oncologist suggested that instead of having a weekly treatment for three weeks followed by a week off, she should try the reduced amount of chemo every other week—in other words, one week on and then a week off. So, Del will not have an infusion next week, but will the week after. I’m very thankful the warmer weather is coming, because it’s been hard for her to keep her hands and feet warm. We both enjoy walking, so we are anxious to get out in the Spring weather.
We are so appreciative of the kind notes and words of encouragement. Just knowing that others are praying for Del is such a boost. What a blessing to be part of God’s family!
Bryan, for Del too
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