Hi Dear Ones,
I thought I would send out a short summary of how Del’s second chemo went yesterday, since many have been praying and are anxious to hear. We had an early appointment at 8:30 AM and met first with Dr D’s nursing assistant. While we were talking about Del’s neuropathy in her hands and feet, Del mentioned about one particular area of her foot that really hurt and wondered if that was due to the neuropathy. We mentioned something our daughter Terry has suffered with called “plantar fasciitis.” The nurse is a runner and knew exactly the typical spot for this to occur. When she pressed on it, Del said that that was the exact area. In one sense that was a relief, in that it can be treated more easily than neuropathy. So Del was urged to get a heel pad for her shoes and was shown various exercises to help her foot pain.
As far as the actual chemo, it went very well and Del basically slept through it. She was feeling pretty energized after the treatment which was the same as last time. I think it was the Benadryl and other drugs they gave her in an IV drip before the chemo. So Del really had a good evening; ate a sizeable supper; and just wanted to get up and do little jobs in the evening. We are thrilled with how God answered prayer so specifically regarding Del’s eating since Friday and Saturday, she has had a good appetite. We are so thankful to our loving Savior who so often expresses Himself through the caring prayers of His children.
We have “Home Health Care” now and a nurse comes once a week. If we need a physiotherapist, we just have to call. A young man came last week and gave a lot of good counsel, and one thing he stressed was, “You have to force yourself to eat even when you aren’t hungry and the thought of food sounds horrible. You have to have the nutrients in order to fight the cancer.” So that remains one of our foremost prayer requests.
A simple “Thank you” doesn’t fully express our great appreciation for your concern and your prayers.
Bryan, for Del too
Thank you Bryan for letting us know how is Del doing with her treatment. We keep you in our mind and prayers.