Saturday, November 26, 2016

Prayer Request

 One of the wonderful things about many of you who are following our blog is that, we know that you are praying.  Today is one of those days, we would appreciate your prayers.  Mom is feeling pretty rough.  Along with having a bad cold and more pain, this morning she lost lots of her hair, which is hard in itself.  We had planned to get together for our Thanksgiving as a family this afternoon. Thanks again for praying for her. ~Terry


  1. Praying for all of you! Especially your sweet Mom. She was my Mom's best friend and a great friend to me and my family. We love you all!
    Jenee Kramer-Hobgood

  2. You all have been very much on my heart and in my prayers. I cry out to the Lord to sustain you in this journey. Your family-of-God loves you.
