Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Some pictures :)

Visit from Dan & Family

Mom enjoying special art from the grandkids

1st great grandbaby  
Alaina brought matching headbands

Sunday, November 27, 2016

Good Day-Thank You

Today was a great day! Thank you for praying. We praise the Lord for days like this. We started by watching the church service at Ada Bible Church on line. Excellent message on gratefulness. Throughout the day my parents enjoyed lots of family, including many grandkids, coming over to visit. So thankful that God gave mom the energy to enjoy every minute of it.

Saturday, November 26, 2016

Prayer Request

 One of the wonderful things about many of you who are following our blog is that, we know that you are praying.  Today is one of those days, we would appreciate your prayers.  Mom is feeling pretty rough.  Along with having a bad cold and more pain, this morning she lost lots of her hair, which is hard in itself.  We had planned to get together for our Thanksgiving as a family this afternoon. Thanks again for praying for her. ~Terry

Thursday, November 24, 2016

From Our Family To Yours

Happy Thanksgiving to all of you! We are so thankful today for many things.
Being part of such a wonderful, loving Christian community has been a tremendous blessing to our family. We have been flooded with heartfelt expressions of love, that my parents treasure reading together. We are so thankful to have mom home and she is so happy to be here. We have enjoyed many special times together over the past week.
Thank you for praying. Our hearts are encouraged and sense the Lord's strength and encouragement.

Winter has settled in here in Michigan and along with it, cold season. Currently, many members of our family have colds including my mom & dad. Dad has been faithfully wearing a mask to contain the germs, telling my mom that he is smiling at her through the mask. So sweet!

May you enjoy sweet times with your loved ones today.
July 2016

Wednesday, November 23, 2016


 Throughout this new chapter in our lives, which Dr. David Jeremiah calls, “A bend in the road,” I have been struck with people’s kindness. The nurses Del had in the oncology dept. at the hospital who hugged her and loved on her…the receptionist who we got to know well, and as she said, “I had to find a secluded place and just sobbed when I heard your diagnosis.” Del’s oncologist (a believer) is our kids’ age, and she and Del really bonded. She would pray with us and was willing to set the doctor/patient relationship aside at times and relate to Del as a sister in the Lord. All along the line the Lord has surrounded us with health workers who seem to be so genuinely kind. And now in the “hospice stage” our Father has provided my dear wife with a nurse who is also a believer in Christ and so kind. The nurse’s aide, who has been caring for hospice patients for 40 years, is also a gem.
    We would be totally remiss if we failed to mention the kindness of so many relatives, fellow New Tribers, and friends, and their little notes and emails. So where is all this kindness coming from? The source is obviously Jesus Christ whose lovingkindness is everlasting, (“But you, O Lord, are a God merciful and gracious, slow to anger and abundant in lovingkindness and truth.” Psalm 86:15).
    Thank you all for your kindness.
~Bryan Coupland