Thursday, December 29, 2016


Merry Christmas to you, a bit late, but with great affection. We are pleased to report that we have been enjoying a wonderful Christmas with many really good days for Mom. She has been able to join in on a few outings and even some trips to the store. This is no small feat in Michigan this time of year, with the snow and temperatures in the 20's. Even so, it's been good for her to stay as active as possible.
When Mom reacted so harshly to her 1st chemo treatment in November, it became clear that she could not continue with mainstream medical treatment. Since that time, Kelley & Dad, have been researching various nutritional therapies for cancer. Though Mom's appetite is still very low, we have incorporated the mantra, 'make every bite count' and are making careful choices in that regard. Dad has become an expert smoothie maker, packing each one with as many nutritious goodies as he can.  We pray that God would continue to use this approach to provide Mom with more quality days. They have an exercise bicycle that they both manage to get on a few times a day to keep those muscles moving. The combination of medications she is currently on is controlling her pain well.
Their spirits have remained positive and their faith filled testimony of confidence and hope in the Lord, has been a powerful example to our entire family. Mom's nurse Susie stops in to check Mom over every few days. Susie is such a dear Christian lady, they end up fellowshipping and encouraging each other.
Christmas Day at Dan's House
We realize that some who read these updates are friends of some members of our family but may not know others. Here is a little overview.
Kelley (Coupland) & Todd Duston and family live 10 minutes from Mom & Dad. They are in fulltime ministry serving at the New Tribes Bible Institute in Jackson, MI.

Terry (Coupland) & Paul Calderwood and family live in Ada, MI

Dan & Kari Coupland and family live in Hillsdale, MI.
Thanks again for your continued love, support and prayers.We wish you all a Happy New Year and a blessed 2017!
~The Coupland Family

Monday, December 19, 2016

Anniversary Celebration

Happy Anniversary to Mom & Dad,
 celebrating 51 years today

We are so thankful for these 2 and for the wonderful
example they have been to our family.
We are blessed beyond measure.

Anniversary celebration with some of the grandkids

Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Encouragement for today.

I was reminded of a wonderful verse today.
Psalm 73:26
My flesh and my heart may fail, but God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever.

Monday, December 5, 2016


              Our family is learning, one day at a time. We know that all this is not a surprise to our dear Lord Jesus and I’m sure He has much to teach us.

                I am particularly thankful for our three kids (actually adults) and their spouses who have really stepped up to help in a big way—providing meals, taking turns spending days and nights here with us, and being fellow counselors.

                Del has definitely slowed down physically. Her meds are designed to keep her comfortable and free of pain. The downside is that they also make her want to sleep a lot. So our chorus is often: “1. How about another glass of water? 2. Would you like to walk down the hallway again to keep your leg muscles toned? 3. Could you eat just a little bit more?”

                We are also thankful for the kind and caring thoughts that we receive from friends. One such note shared verses from 2 Corinthians 4:16-17, which we appreciated so much: “Therefore we do not lose heart, but though our outer man is decaying, yet our inner man is being renewed day by day. For momentary, light affliction is producing for us an eternal weight of glory far beyond all comparison…” What a promise!
~Bryan Coupland 
Mom with Dan & Kari's youngest Riley

This weekend Mom & Dad with some of "the kids" :)

Beautiful Things

My husband was talking with a friend who has recently experienced great loss, with the death of his sister and his father. He shared that, although there are many difficult things at a time like this, there are also many beautiful things that can happen. We have found this to be true. 

During the days my mom was in the hospital, it was remarkable to see the bond that was formed between her and her care givers. One CNA named Brittany stood out in particular. She treated my mom with great gentleness and affection. At the end of her shift, on the last day my mom was in the hospital, she came to say goodbye. She hugged my mom and they wept together, knowing they may not see each other again. She didn't want to leave. 
Mom & Brittany

Another young CNA held my mom's hand and shared some of the hardship she is going through right now in her own life. 

Other ones, who were "all business" at first, would begin to linger a bit longer in my mom's room to chat. 

Even my mom's oncologist, who delivered the most difficult news to hear, did so, while gently stroking my mom's hand as she spoke.

My parents with their Oncologist
These things were beautiful to witness.

On December 19th my parents will celebrate 51 years of marriage. It's amazing to see these two, taking on one of the greatest challenges of their lives, with grace and love. They have served the Lord together in ministry for over 40 years with many challenges along the way. They desire for God to use them in this time to draw others to Christ.

Other things are more sentimental, as we, their family, see small beautiful moments. Moments when my dad helps my mom by washing her hair or when he situated his comfy chair so that they can hold hands while they watch tv. 

Our pastor's wife put it best when she shared with me these words. "What a beautiful picture of your dad caring for his bride.  I believe this is like the tender care of the Lord for each one of us".

He hath made every thing beautiful in his time: also he hath set the world in their heart, so that no man can find out the work that God maketh from the beginning to the end.

The last beautiful thing I want to share is, the way so many of you have reached out to us. My parents treasure each card, email and heartfelt note. Such kind and thoughtful words of encouragement you have expressed. 
I have been the recipient of the generosity of friends who have stepped in to provide meals for my little family while I have been traveling back and forth to Jackson. 

Thanks you!

Prayer Request
-Wisdom in treatment decisions going forward.
-Balance in medications.
-Yay, colds are gone, but it is cold & flu season. Protection from other viruses.

Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Some pictures :)

Visit from Dan & Family

Mom enjoying special art from the grandkids

1st great grandbaby  
Alaina brought matching headbands

Sunday, November 27, 2016

Good Day-Thank You

Today was a great day! Thank you for praying. We praise the Lord for days like this. We started by watching the church service at Ada Bible Church on line. Excellent message on gratefulness. Throughout the day my parents enjoyed lots of family, including many grandkids, coming over to visit. So thankful that God gave mom the energy to enjoy every minute of it.

Saturday, November 26, 2016

Prayer Request

 One of the wonderful things about many of you who are following our blog is that, we know that you are praying.  Today is one of those days, we would appreciate your prayers.  Mom is feeling pretty rough.  Along with having a bad cold and more pain, this morning she lost lots of her hair, which is hard in itself.  We had planned to get together for our Thanksgiving as a family this afternoon. Thanks again for praying for her. ~Terry

Thursday, November 24, 2016

From Our Family To Yours

Happy Thanksgiving to all of you! We are so thankful today for many things.
Being part of such a wonderful, loving Christian community has been a tremendous blessing to our family. We have been flooded with heartfelt expressions of love, that my parents treasure reading together. We are so thankful to have mom home and she is so happy to be here. We have enjoyed many special times together over the past week.
Thank you for praying. Our hearts are encouraged and sense the Lord's strength and encouragement.

Winter has settled in here in Michigan and along with it, cold season. Currently, many members of our family have colds including my mom & dad. Dad has been faithfully wearing a mask to contain the germs, telling my mom that he is smiling at her through the mask. So sweet!

May you enjoy sweet times with your loved ones today.
July 2016

Wednesday, November 23, 2016


 Throughout this new chapter in our lives, which Dr. David Jeremiah calls, “A bend in the road,” I have been struck with people’s kindness. The nurses Del had in the oncology dept. at the hospital who hugged her and loved on her…the receptionist who we got to know well, and as she said, “I had to find a secluded place and just sobbed when I heard your diagnosis.” Del’s oncologist (a believer) is our kids’ age, and she and Del really bonded. She would pray with us and was willing to set the doctor/patient relationship aside at times and relate to Del as a sister in the Lord. All along the line the Lord has surrounded us with health workers who seem to be so genuinely kind. And now in the “hospice stage” our Father has provided my dear wife with a nurse who is also a believer in Christ and so kind. The nurse’s aide, who has been caring for hospice patients for 40 years, is also a gem.
    We would be totally remiss if we failed to mention the kindness of so many relatives, fellow New Tribers, and friends, and their little notes and emails. So where is all this kindness coming from? The source is obviously Jesus Christ whose lovingkindness is everlasting, (“But you, O Lord, are a God merciful and gracious, slow to anger and abundant in lovingkindness and truth.” Psalm 86:15).
    Thank you all for your kindness.
~Bryan Coupland