Dear Ones, August 18, 2017
Last Monday was another new experience at University of Michigan Hospital. Del’s appointment was with a Dr Dawn Owen, MD PhD—a radiologist/oncologist. We thought we would be seeing a professional-looking female doctor in a white lab-coat. Instead this dear little Asian/Canadian lady doctor came into the exam room. She was the sweetest person—extremely intelligent and well qualified. We found out that she grew up in Toronto, Canada, not far from where I grew up, so we had fun asking back and forth, “Do you know such-and-such street?”
Dr Owen spent a couple of hours with us explaining how radiation would be used, the possible side effects, the frequency, and rationale for using radiation at this point in Del’s treatment. She said that the U of M tumor board was pleased with how the chemo has worked on Del’s form of cancer, although there are still some suspicious lymph nodes probably containing cancer cells. The radiation is to keep the cancer from coming back.
There are two main forms of radiation for dealing with the cancer area. One is the ‘exterior’ beam which is given from outside the body. It’s what I (Bryan) had for colon cancer. The other is ‘interior’ (called brachytherapy) where they use a cylinder to place a radioactive seed in the area for 2-3 hours at a time. The doctor thinks only the ‘interior’ method would be best in Del’s case. Chemo does a good job on lymph nodes, but doesn’t seem to work well on that area. Del will have 9 infusions of chemo spread over the next 3 months. The radiation would begin one month after the chemo ends. Another advantage of the interior method is that there is minimal irritation of nearby organs.
Tuesday (15th) Del had a follow up CT scan. This is the second time that she has had an allergic reaction to the contrast media. The report showed that there was a mix of results in the affected lymph nodes.
Last week Bryan had his 8th semi-annual urinary stent replacement in Grand Rapids. He had a few more side-effects following this procedure, but once again it appears to be a success. So far this has prevented having to go through major surgery, for which we are thankful to the Lord.
We love you folks and appreciate your friendship and prayers so very much. Thanks for all of your encouraging email notes and cards.
Lovingly in Christ,
Bryan and Del Coupland